

Monday, November 7, 2011

Extra Blessings

Adam and I have gone back and forth about whether or not I need to work full time for one more year and it hasn't been a happy subject but we got some extra blessings this past week that I wanted to share.
I had toyed with the idea of going part time so that I'm not gone as much but had heard that it was pretty hard to make it happen especially as an elementary teacher. I was nervous to bring it up to my principal and had decided to wait until January to talk to her. Last Friday I happened to mention to one of my team members that I was thinking about going part time but wasn't sure it would happen. Later that day she introduced me to a teacher from last year that had quit after she had her baby. She was an amazing teacher but couldn't get someone else to do 1/2 time with her for this year. Well..... we talked and she is interested in pursuing a split contract with me next year. It works out great for me because I would continue to teach all of the science in the morning and then she would take care of the reading, writing and social studies in the afternoon. I brought it up with my principal this morning and she loved the idea! Everything is obviously still up in the air but I am so grateful to have some things falling into place just in case I need to keep working another year.


Candace said...

That great news Jamie. I'm sure everything will work out

brooke said...

WOw, how great!! I'm so hoping it works out. It sounds really promising!!

Pauly said...

That's awesome, the working mother's dream!

Things always work out, I am sure this is one of those things.