

Saturday, November 5, 2011


When I first started nursing Steven I looked forward to the day when I wouldn't be a snack bar. :) Now that I am at the point where my milk is declining and it would be easy to just stop, I find myself resisting. I guess I never realized how much I enjoy these tender moments. We'll see if I stop sooner than later but for right now I will enjoy it while it lasts.


Candace said...

Good for you! I had no idea you were giving NABLOPOMO a shot. I tried it one year :) Good luck. Steven is adorable, and AWESOME Halloween costumes! Loved it. DARLNG little monkey.

I'm sorry you've been havin a hard time lately. And I'm sorry its so hard. You're such a strong person. Hang in there.

Pauly said...

oh motherhood, it tricks us. Just when you finally enjoy something it ends!

Reading you thoughts always make me reflect back on Wy's first year. It was such a roller coaster year. Just remember don't give in to the Mommy guilt! We are doing what is best for our family!!!