Adam had the day off while I ended up having to work from 10-5.... blah. It wasn't so bad but after I got off work it was off to Evanston to see some "Real Fireworks":).... according to Adam. At first I wasn't a believer because I really believed that it wouldn't be very different from what I had always seen in Utah. I was soon to literally be surprised and amazed. They know how to do fireworks in Wyoming!!! There were large fireworks going on all over the place! We took a four wheeler and went to a big hill where we could see fireworks, real ones, shooting up from every other house! It was the coolest fourth of july that I've ever seen. Anywho, any of you are invited if you would like to come next year. Here are a few pics from our little trip. Being with Adam's family is always a blast and we love that they are only an hour away!
You look really mad in that first picture. I think I'm afraid of you now.(: Only a few more days! Can't wait. We are going to have so much fun!
This is Chad, Did you ever wonder why there are like 10 fireworks stores as you get into town? They know how to do them.
Hey my grandpa showed me a trick, turns out Listerne works just as well as any insect repellent. It is also more pleasant to have on :)
Hey it was pretty darn amazing with all those fireworks. can you believe after 4 years this was my first in Evanston??!!
It was fun be up there with ya, once you left it just didn't seem fun anymore.
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