Steven turned 8 months right before Christmas and he has accomplished so much this month!
His personality is developing more and more and it was so nice to have two weeks off of work. He's definitely starting to be more clingy but luckily he is still really good about going to other people when I have to leave. Here are some things he has done:
- Sleeping 10 hours at night
- Getting a second tooth
- Crawling like a champ
- Pulling himself up on EVERYTHING
- Helping us baby proof the house
- Going from crawling back to sitting and turning around
- Waving "hi"
- Entertaining himself with toys
- Loving other kids!
- Becoming so aware of what and who is around him
- Crawling up one stair
- Eating more solid foods
- Feeding himself crackers
Hanging out with Aunt Candace
On Christmas Eve with Papa and Nana
The first time he pulled himself up in his crib. It is actually quite a funny story. One morning Adam and I were still in bed and heard Steven moving around in his crib. It was the usual routine where we would wait for him to start crying before we went in to get him. I could hear something he was playing with that sounded like the case of wipes. I figured that he was just throwing it around in his crib as usual and didn't think anything of it. The noise was getting louder so I went in to check and this is what I found! Steven standing in the crib with a big grin, thinking he was so cool! The crinkling sound I heard was him hitting the changing table pad, not the wipes. We lowered his crib that day. :)
We love this kid and can't believe how lucky we are!
He is adorable Jamie! Love you!
Love that little guy!
He is so adorable Jamie! This age is so fun as they get more and more mobile and are able to explore so much they get so proud of themselves. I love it!
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