A short story that contains the thrilling and exciting adventures of Adam, Jamie, Steven and Noah Fieber.... yes that is Feebur, not Seiver or Fever or whatever else it might look like :)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
22/23 Weeks
My Christmas break has officially started since I don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn for work tomorrow!!!!!! I am going to enjoy sleeping in more than ever! I still have to remind myself that not everyone has a two week holiday break... sometimes I forget and just assume that no one else has to go to work (i.e. Adam:). We are headed to Evanston on Wednesday and will be there until Saturday afternoon.
The wee babe has been making his presence known and I swear his feet are sitting right above my bladder! We were at the mall doing some Christmas shopping on Saturday and I felt him moving around. Not a minute later I had a serious urge to pee. We made our way to the bathrooms and right before we got there he moved again and the urge was gone. Adam just laughed at me and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Feeling the baby move is one of the weirdest and most amazing things all at the same time! We've gotten some nursery items, a few clothes and a blanket for him and I love to just look at them and imagine what he'll look like in them. I'm a dork but it's makes me smile:) I told my fourth graders that we were having a boy and most of the boys yelled, "YES! Boys are awesome!" while others responded with, "Oh yeah. You're gonna have a baby."
My heartburn hasn't been so bad lately but when it comes, it comes with a vengeance. Tums seems to help and the doctor gave me some tips on prevention. They still haven't decided whether or not to move my due date to the 19th, so they just told me to be ready for a 19th due date just in case. Adam still can't feel him move but hopefully soon. It's reassuring to feel him wiggling around since I'm still a worry wart about so many things. My sister tells me that's normal with your first one.
My sleep has continued to be pretty consistent. I have only had a few nights where I kept waking up. I'm praying that it continues because it is so hard to be a coherent teacher when you haven't had enough sleep. We have a few names that we like so far and the leading contestant is "Steven", but we probably won't make a final decision until he makes his debut. I can't believe that in four months we'll have a little babe in our house. I'm almost to 24 weeks and it seems that like time has passed so quickly.
Monday, December 6, 2010
It's a boy!!!!!!!!
It's official... this little baby proved me wrong and we're having a boy! I was completely surprised to say the least but I'm so excited!! Everything looks great and you could just see the beaming glow on Adam's face all day as he told people we were having a boy. The little one was shy for the camera and kept putting his hands on his face. The nurse pushed on my stomach to get him to move his hands and he just kicked right back at us. I'm also a week ahead of schedule so we'll see when he comes! Loved seeing him move around on the ultrasound screen and am excited to have a cute baby boy soon!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Current Status
We recently had family pictures with my dad, Kathy and her kids. Although the day was rainy, we still got some cute shots. I was excited to get a picture of just Adam and I, to remember what is was like with the two of us. Soon we'll be three and it will change our family, which is an exciting change that we anxiously await! Adam is almost done with his first semester of the nursing program and is getting used to working nights at the hospital. Although it's not fun waking up at three to someone climbing into our bed... it is a welcome addition so that I'm not alone all night. :) Thanksgiving break is coming next week and I have never felt more ready for a 3 day break. As far as baby news goes, I started to feel "flutters" at about 16 weeks but they were very random and only a few times a week. Now they come a little more frequently and it is so fun! I wish Adam could feel them, but everyone tells me that soon enough he'll be able to feel the baby move. We find out on December 6 if it's a boy or a girl but haven't decided if we are going to wait until Christmas to tell everyone or not. I'm hoping it's a girl because it would be so fun to find that out on Briana's birthday (my little sister who passed away 9 years ago)! If it is a girl she will definitely have the middle name of Briana! We'll see soon enough.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Three Years and Three Months!
I love this picture because it characterizes how Adam has affected my life:) I tend to be more serious and a planner while Adam keeps me light hearted and spontaneous! We were married 3 years ago today and although we've had our ups and downs, we've grown closer together and love each other more than we did 3 years ago. Adam has been such a support to me, especially when things don't go according to "my plan". He works so hard in school and works to help us put money away for savings. I'm so proud of all that he has accomplished and continues to do. Also, we're three months along with this pregnancy and I couldn't ask for a better companion and best friend. He gets me hot tang at midnight, rubs my constantly aching shoulders and holds me when I'm not feeling so great. I'm so excited to see him as a dad and can't wait for our little bundle of joy to come in April. So, here's to celebrating three years and three months!!!!!
P.S. Cute story from yesterday:
We were at the mall looking at a few things and stopped by the maternity store to look at the price of some pants. Adam made me promise that I wouldn't buy anything and that I would just look. I tried on the pants and then put them on hold. After leaving the store, Adam kept telling me that I already had my anniversary present. I insisted that I did not and then he made me look all throughout my messy purse to find it. While I was in the dressing room, he had bought a gift card to the maternity store and then slipped it in my purse! Such a sweet heart and I love him so much!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
My new parking space:)
So apparently I get my own parking space until April 26!!! By now most of you know that Adam and I are due to have a baby in April and we are so excited! Of course I still have my worries about something going wrong, but I'm hopeful and so thrilled at the same time! Here's the story about how we found out and how it's been going.
After our miscarriage we waited the allotted time before trying again. Of course I kept waiting to see changes in my body to let me know that I was pregnant. Well, I was pretty much convinced that I wasn't because I didn't really feel all that different and I only had a couple of days before my monthly visitor was supposed to arrive. It was Saturday, August 13th and we were invited to go to Lagoon with Adam's family. I figured that since I didn't feel pregnant I should go on the rides and not worry about it. My sister-in-law, Brooke, and I decided to go on the Samuri:) Adam thought I was crazy but I went anyway. After the ride I felt completely nauseated! I opted out on the rest of the rides that night because it wouldn't go away. On the way home Adam said I should just take a pregnancy test, but I didn't want to because I wanted to wait until Sunday when I should have been starting my cycle. I still felt sick throughout the night and decided to take a test in the morning. I woke up, took the test, and then prepared myself to see a negative. I didn't want to get my hopes up. I set the timer and then came back when it beeped. There were two lines and I quickly ran to show Adam!!!!! As excited as I was, it was then that I began to worry. I remember before I had a miscarriage that I thought nothing could go wrong and that everything would be fine. Now it was a different story because I had been down the "everything didn't go well" path and I worried about everything.
I called my doctor to set up an appointment and they asked me to come in at 10 weeks. I explained to the nurse what happened with my last pregnancy and she was so nice about it. She told me that I could actually come in at 6 weeks and have a viability ultrasound to see if everything was progressing as long as my insurance covered it. I called my insurance and they said they would! It brought me some comfort that I wouldn't have to wait as long but also worry that there wouldn't be a heart beat again. For a two weeks I kept waiting to feel sick and I actually didn't start feeling sick until a couple of days before my appointment. We went in and there was a heart beat! I made my appointment for nine weeks and then started school. Everyday brought its ups and downs. If I wasn't sick I worried. If I was cramping I worried. If I didn't feel pregnant I worried. Thanks to Adam, my sister, mother-in-law, dad and Kathy for listening to all of my worries and trying to reassure me. I made many phone calls for the next three weeks. I had a lot of cramping during week 7 and I was thoroughly convinced that something was wrong, but then I kept getting more morning sickness all throughout the day and the day of my appointment finally came.
I had to get a root canal at 1 and then had our ultrasound at 3:30. I was so nervous and nauseated. They quickly brought us back to the ultrasound room and I was on the verge of tears. She did the ultrasound and all I wanted to see was the FLICKER again. After a few seconds I saw the flicker and the nurse turned up the sound so we could hear the heart beat! It was such a comforting sound! I started crying and Adam just gave me a kiss and held my hand. We met with the doctor, did blood tests and then decided that our due date was on April 26. Although I still worry about little things that happen, I still have morning sickness. It's the worst at night right before I go to bed and all day on the weekends. I'm grateful to feel sick (even though it's not so fun) and I'm grateful for the love and support of my husband and family:) I'm gaining confidence everyday and I'm learning to leave it up to my Heavenly Father and trust in his plan. Again, we are so excited and thrilled to welcome a precious baby into our lives and home!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
You are always on my mind......
If you were to ask me, "What are you thinking about right now?" 9 times out of 10 I would respond with something about my classroom, for my students or basically anything that deals with teaching. This is further illustrated through this experience. While Adam and I were driving, about a month ago, he turned to me and asked what my hobbies were. My first thoughts were all related to something about teaching. It took me a minute to think of something that didn't directly relate to my classroom or my students. While I realize that i should have other hobbies (which I'm now working on) I can't help but love to learn and teach others!
This summer has been my summer of classes. I have been in class since the week after school got out. I'll have a two week break in July and then I'll have one more class at the beginning of August. Some people think I'm crazy and that I should use my summer break for relaxation, but I can't help it: I don't have kids and I love LEARNING! My favorite so far has been BYU's Science Plus program and so here's a little about what I did for a week!
The class consisted of going down to Southern Utah in the Colorado Plateau region and learning all about the geology and biology of the area. We would start at 7:30 in the morning, eat lunch in the vans, have dinner at 5, present our findings from our assignments and then head to bed at about 9. If we weren't sleeping we were wandering all around learning about rocks, plants, habitats, geologic time and more! It was one of the most tiring things I've done in a long time (reminded me of my mission minus the religious part:) but I learned so much and I'm so excited to change how I teach science and use the inquiry method that I learned while I was there! It amazes me that we never cease to learn new things and I have a lot of years to keep learning! Therefore, if you have a hard time getting a hold of me it's probably because I'm in class:)
This summer has been my summer of classes. I have been in class since the week after school got out. I'll have a two week break in July and then I'll have one more class at the beginning of August. Some people think I'm crazy and that I should use my summer break for relaxation, but I can't help it: I don't have kids and I love LEARNING! My favorite so far has been BYU's Science Plus program and so here's a little about what I did for a week!
The class consisted of going down to Southern Utah in the Colorado Plateau region and learning all about the geology and biology of the area. We would start at 7:30 in the morning, eat lunch in the vans, have dinner at 5, present our findings from our assignments and then head to bed at about 9. If we weren't sleeping we were wandering all around learning about rocks, plants, habitats, geologic time and more! It was one of the most tiring things I've done in a long time (reminded me of my mission minus the religious part:) but I learned so much and I'm so excited to change how I teach science and use the inquiry method that I learned while I was there! It amazes me that we never cease to learn new things and I have a lot of years to keep learning! Therefore, if you have a hard time getting a hold of me it's probably because I'm in class:)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
We're not moving!!!!!!!!!
We got a letter from the UVU Nursing Program today and found out that Adam was accepted!! So glad that we do not have to move somewhere else in January and that we get to stay around here for 3 more years:) I'm feeling very blessed and I'm grateful to see so many blessings lately. We are one step closer to our next phase of life.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Things not meant to be
Six weeks ago I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. Adam and I were so excited and hopeful for a new addition to our family (not in the form of a dog:). We made our appointment for June to have my 10 week ultrasound and listen to the heart beat. Everything seemed to be going well. We went to our appointment today and found out that the baby stopped growing around 6 weeks and that there was no heart beat. They were hard words to take in, but that is what happened. I realize that there was nothing I could have done to change things and it's just something I need to learn to deal with. I'm doing okay. It's hard to let go of the dreams and aspirations we had but it was not meant to be right now. Thank you to my wonderful friends and family for support, hugs and love:) Adam is such a sweet heart to me as well. I'm so grateful to have such a wonderful companion! I know that most people wouldn't blog about this kind of thing but it's kind of a therapeutic:) The Lord loves us and I know it'll happen when its meant to.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
Bitter Sweet day for me but enjoyed telling Adam all about my mom in the car ride up to Evanston! I'm noticing more and more each day all of the little things I do that my mother did all the time:0) They are such sweet reminders of her and her love! I'm planning on posting about them sometime this week. A big thank you to all my "mothers" who fill her role for me each day! I couldn't do it without you. Love you always and forever Mom! Jamie D.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me!
Please feel free to send all celebration gifts via check or money order:)
Adam has planned a surprise for me tonight but I don't know what it is, so I'll post more later after it happens!
Please feel free to send all celebration gifts via check or money order:)
Adam has planned a surprise for me tonight but I don't know what it is, so I'll post more later after it happens!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I'm a nut
So instead of taking a relaxing summer, and being a stay at home wife again, I'm going to be a tutor at Sylvan Learning Center in Orem. I'm actually really excited! Working with my students one-on-one is something I wish I had more time to do, so I get to practice a lot at Sylvan! The hours and pay are good and I'll only be working about 20 hours a week, so I still get somewhat of a break but also get to pad our savings account:). Maybe next summer I'll take a break and galavant to all of the places I've been dreaming about!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Just some little notes for you viewing pleasure!
Dear Spring Break- How did you pass by so quickly? Couldn't you stay a few days longer so that I can be lazy and sleep in until 8? If you would take my suggestion into consideration and let me know before Monday morning at 5:45 AM when my alarm goes off, that would be fabulous!
Dear yard- If you could take care of yourself that would help a lot. I'm more than willing to pick up after you every once in a while but we really need to teach you responsibility. It'll be good for you in the long run. The shovel, lawn mower and anything else you need are conveniently located in the shed.
Dear Skyward Grading System- I have a brilliant idea that could make you lots of money! We should create a scanner that recognizes the name, subject and score of an assignment so that all I have to do is put the paper under the scanner and you magically enter my grades! What do you think? It would create a lot more free time and reduce the cramping in my wrist:)
Dear dogs- Please remember that we put up a fence around the garden for a reason. I know the birds that land there are very tempting but remember that running in the garden is not a way to get a treat from us.
Dear laundry next to the dryer- We seem to have a disfunctional relationship because the only time you receive my attention is when I can't stand the sight of you anymore. We should work on that. Maybe I could talk to the fairies from Sleeping Beauty and they could take care of you once a week.
Dear Dad- I know that galavanting to Hawaii is wonderful but really... did you have to go over my spring break when I actually had time to see you during the day? And I could have fit in your suitcase had I been given enough notice:)
Dear extra padding- I know you like me but I don't like you and never will. I know that Mr. Gym and I have been estranged but I guess I need to revive our relationship in order to get you out of my life for good.
Dear new dishwasher- Leaking is never a good option.
Dear Adam- thanks for being patient with your "psychotic it's 1 in the morning" wife when she goes from laughing, to crying, to joking, to angry in the space of 5 minutes. Your continued support and love is much appreciated.
Dear limeade- You are my sunshine. Enough said. Thanks to Kevin for introducing me to what I've been missing all these years!
Dear X-Box- If you could just take a short vacation and let us be with our husbands more than one weekend night that would be fabulous. I wouldn't mind writing a note to each of them if that would help you:0) I'm sure that Candace, Paula, Tress and Brooke would pitch in and help as well.
Dear Heavenly Father- thanks for giving me strength when I feel overwhelmed and for helping me realize the blessings that are all around me. Life is uncertain but I know that even though I can't see the way, you have already prepared it. I've learned that my faith still needs some growing pains.
Dear Highway Patrol Man- Thank you for pulling me over and just giving me a warning. I needed it that day and you were very nice. I will never go more than 25 on that road again.
Dear Spring Break- How did you pass by so quickly? Couldn't you stay a few days longer so that I can be lazy and sleep in until 8? If you would take my suggestion into consideration and let me know before Monday morning at 5:45 AM when my alarm goes off, that would be fabulous!
Dear yard- If you could take care of yourself that would help a lot. I'm more than willing to pick up after you every once in a while but we really need to teach you responsibility. It'll be good for you in the long run. The shovel, lawn mower and anything else you need are conveniently located in the shed.
Dear Skyward Grading System- I have a brilliant idea that could make you lots of money! We should create a scanner that recognizes the name, subject and score of an assignment so that all I have to do is put the paper under the scanner and you magically enter my grades! What do you think? It would create a lot more free time and reduce the cramping in my wrist:)
Dear dogs- Please remember that we put up a fence around the garden for a reason. I know the birds that land there are very tempting but remember that running in the garden is not a way to get a treat from us.
Dear laundry next to the dryer- We seem to have a disfunctional relationship because the only time you receive my attention is when I can't stand the sight of you anymore. We should work on that. Maybe I could talk to the fairies from Sleeping Beauty and they could take care of you once a week.
Dear Dad- I know that galavanting to Hawaii is wonderful but really... did you have to go over my spring break when I actually had time to see you during the day? And I could have fit in your suitcase had I been given enough notice:)
Dear extra padding- I know you like me but I don't like you and never will. I know that Mr. Gym and I have been estranged but I guess I need to revive our relationship in order to get you out of my life for good.
Dear new dishwasher- Leaking is never a good option.
Dear Adam- thanks for being patient with your "psychotic it's 1 in the morning" wife when she goes from laughing, to crying, to joking, to angry in the space of 5 minutes. Your continued support and love is much appreciated.
Dear limeade- You are my sunshine. Enough said. Thanks to Kevin for introducing me to what I've been missing all these years!
Dear X-Box- If you could just take a short vacation and let us be with our husbands more than one weekend night that would be fabulous. I wouldn't mind writing a note to each of them if that would help you:0) I'm sure that Candace, Paula, Tress and Brooke would pitch in and help as well.
Dear Heavenly Father- thanks for giving me strength when I feel overwhelmed and for helping me realize the blessings that are all around me. Life is uncertain but I know that even though I can't see the way, you have already prepared it. I've learned that my faith still needs some growing pains.
Dear Highway Patrol Man- Thank you for pulling me over and just giving me a warning. I needed it that day and you were very nice. I will never go more than 25 on that road again.
Monday, March 8, 2010
2 Reasons to Celebrate!
Adam's turned 25!!!
He is my everything and I'm so grateful to have him as my husband and best friend! I'm so excited to see him as a father one day and to start our family. Love you babe!
Kevin and Tress were married 30 years ago!
They have become so dear to me and I can't imagine my life without them! They are my second set of parents and I appreciate the love and support they have extended to me. I feel very spoiled to have such fantastic in-laws! :) Thanks to both of you I have a wonderful husband to be with forever! Happy 30th Anniversary!
He is my everything and I'm so grateful to have him as my husband and best friend! I'm so excited to see him as a father one day and to start our family. Love you babe!
Kevin and Tress were married 30 years ago!
They have become so dear to me and I can't imagine my life without them! They are my second set of parents and I appreciate the love and support they have extended to me. I feel very spoiled to have such fantastic in-laws! :) Thanks to both of you I have a wonderful husband to be with forever! Happy 30th Anniversary!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Calling all Runners!
In two weeks it is the annual Rex Lee Run for Cancer! I ran it last year and it was great! If you know someone who was or is a cancer fighter then come join me on March 13th to run a 5K for a $15.00 donation. Here's the website Rex Lee Run Hope to see you there cause I'm running for my mom!
Friday, February 19, 2010
What do you love?
I love....
the taste of Dr. Pepper when I haven't had it in awhile
when Adam will get me a Dr. Pepper if I have a headache:)
seeing pre-views for new movies
pita chips and hummus
teaching my 4th graders!!
getting my house really clean
hanging out with Bekah
blaring my music in the car
reading scriptures with Adam before we go to bed
reading my old journals
putting lotion on after I shower:)
Pink perfume from GAP
getting a killer deal on anything!
getting free stuff
going to church and holding Adam's hand during sacrament
seeing my family
feeling the Spirit
remembering things about my mom and sister!
talking to my sister
watching my nieces and nephews!
finding decorating items on sale for the house
stalking people on facebook:)
finding out about new ideas for teaching
looking at Adam's blue eyes
planning..... for many things!
traveling to different places
snuggling Adam for five minutes in the morning after I hit snooze
it when my hair turns out cute
being called "mamie"
the taste of Dr. Pepper when I haven't had it in awhile
when Adam will get me a Dr. Pepper if I have a headache:)
seeing pre-views for new movies
pita chips and hummus
teaching my 4th graders!!
getting my house really clean
hanging out with Bekah
blaring my music in the car
reading scriptures with Adam before we go to bed
reading my old journals
putting lotion on after I shower:)
Pink perfume from GAP
getting a killer deal on anything!
getting free stuff
going to church and holding Adam's hand during sacrament
seeing my family
feeling the Spirit
remembering things about my mom and sister!
talking to my sister
watching my nieces and nephews!
finding decorating items on sale for the house
stalking people on facebook:)
finding out about new ideas for teaching
looking at Adam's blue eyes
planning..... for many things!
traveling to different places
snuggling Adam for five minutes in the morning after I hit snooze
it when my hair turns out cute
being called "mamie"
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day
Today would have been my parent's 30th anniversary. They were married on February 14, 1980 in the Salt Lake Temple. My mom always said that they chose to get married on Valentine's day so that my dad wouldn't forget their anniversary:) My mom would then go on to tell you that he forgot their first anniversary and my dad would jump in and say he didn't. Did he really forget? I don't know but I know that my dad loved and still loves my mom, as does she. Happy 30th anniversary and thank you for such an example of love and devotion in marriage! I'm grateful that you made the choice to be sealed for eternity and start our family so many years ago.
My mom on her wedding day
Mom and Dad on their wedding day..... February 14, 1980
My mom on her wedding day
Mom and Dad on their wedding day..... February 14, 1980
Sunday, January 10, 2010
History of 2009!
(I'm stealing this idea from one of my cousins!)
Here is a run down of things that have happened in 2009:
Funnest Events
Went to Powell, WY and Phoenix to visit Family! In Wyoming we got to visit Adam's grandparents and in Arizona we had a blast at Emily and Santiago's reception!
Hanging out with Steve and McKenna all summer long! They are our BFF's and we're sad they moved to Texas but we're planning on visiting them this summer:)
Helping Chad and Candace out in Colorado!
Tate Family Reunion in Vernal!!!!!!!
Biggest Purchase
The F-150. We looked for almost a year but finally found a great deal and jumped on it.
Fixing Bunker's broken leg (could have cost $300 but we were silly and went to Banfield first) and building the dog run.
Landscaping items for our yard and our attempt to grow grass.
Favorite Movies
Avatar (well technically 2010 but we'll put it in 2009)
We really haven't seen many movies in the theaters because we just wait for it to come out on Redbox!!! Gotta love $1
Least Favorite Movies
Michael Jackson: This is it- Not worth the money we paid.
The House in Conneticut
She's just not that into you - it totally tried to condone adultry... didn't like it
Guilty Pleasure
Dr. Pepper and Mt. Dew
Cafe Rios Tres Leches
Asphalt Pie from Wingers
The Office, Accidentally On Purpose, Lost, CSI and Drop Dead Diva (Adam loves Versus: WUFC)
Songs I Loved
Keith Urban- Only you can love me this way
Rascal Flatts- Unstoppable album
Biggest Surprises
Getting Puma, our pit bull, in August
Our leaky fridge that caused us to rip up the Pergo floor in the kitchen and put down tile.
Adam got an A in his Anatomy class
Graduating from UVU with my Bachelor's in Elementary Education!
Getting a job with Alpine School District
Adam getting mostly A's in all of his classes!
Getting rid of any credit card debt and staying that way!
Attending the temple together once a month
Taking the dogs for a walk everyday
Losing 20 lbs.
Getting Adam into a Nursing Program
Having FHE with our great friends, the Sheppard's and the McEwen's, every Monday and doing lessons from the Eternal Marriage and Family Relationships manual!
Here is a run down of things that have happened in 2009:
Funnest Events
Went to Powell, WY and Phoenix to visit Family! In Wyoming we got to visit Adam's grandparents and in Arizona we had a blast at Emily and Santiago's reception!
Hanging out with Steve and McKenna all summer long! They are our BFF's and we're sad they moved to Texas but we're planning on visiting them this summer:)
Helping Chad and Candace out in Colorado!
Tate Family Reunion in Vernal!!!!!!!
Biggest Purchase
The F-150. We looked for almost a year but finally found a great deal and jumped on it.
Fixing Bunker's broken leg (could have cost $300 but we were silly and went to Banfield first) and building the dog run.
Landscaping items for our yard and our attempt to grow grass.
Favorite Movies
Avatar (well technically 2010 but we'll put it in 2009)
We really haven't seen many movies in the theaters because we just wait for it to come out on Redbox!!! Gotta love $1
Least Favorite Movies
Michael Jackson: This is it- Not worth the money we paid.
The House in Conneticut
She's just not that into you - it totally tried to condone adultry... didn't like it
Guilty Pleasure
Dr. Pepper and Mt. Dew
Cafe Rios Tres Leches
Asphalt Pie from Wingers
The Office, Accidentally On Purpose, Lost, CSI and Drop Dead Diva (Adam loves Versus: WUFC)
Songs I Loved
Keith Urban- Only you can love me this way
Rascal Flatts- Unstoppable album
Biggest Surprises
Getting Puma, our pit bull, in August
Our leaky fridge that caused us to rip up the Pergo floor in the kitchen and put down tile.
Adam got an A in his Anatomy class
Graduating from UVU with my Bachelor's in Elementary Education!
Getting a job with Alpine School District
Adam getting mostly A's in all of his classes!
Getting rid of any credit card debt and staying that way!
Attending the temple together once a month
Taking the dogs for a walk everyday
Losing 20 lbs.
Getting Adam into a Nursing Program
Having FHE with our great friends, the Sheppard's and the McEwen's, every Monday and doing lessons from the Eternal Marriage and Family Relationships manual!
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